Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Rokeby Primary School is an inclusive school. We believe in inclusion in mainstream school wherever possible, to enable all pupils, whatever their educational need to achieve their full potential.

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCO) is Miss Woodhill (contact details: woodhill.c@stowevalley.com). She identifies and monitors children who are placed on the Special Education Needs Register to ensure that all needs, whatever they may be, are fully met. The SENDCO liaises with class teachers and relevant outside agencies to plan relevant provision. Parents are kept fully informed regarding their child's progress and regular review meetings are held throughout the year.

Children with special needs are primarily supported within the classroom by their class teacher and teaching assistants. Year group staff are aware of the needs of the pupils and, with input from the SENDCO, they maintain a provision map, which details how individual needs will be met through the use of an Individual Learning Plan (ILP). Progress is closely monitored and appropriate interventions and additional support are available to pupils who need it.

All staff receive regular training to enable them to identify and respond to a wide range of needs. Recent training has included Sensory Processing Needs, Makaton, Communicate in Print, Hearing Impairment, Down Syndrome and Mental Health First Aid.

We have close links with a number of outside agencies such as: the Specialist Teaching Service, Educational Psychologists, Speech and language therapists, the Integrated Disability Service and a Play Therapist, all of whom support us in developing and delivering an inclusive curriculum for our children with Special Educational Needs.

Nurture Group

At Rokeby, we have our own on-site Nurture Group.  This is run by staff trained in the theory and practice of Nurture Groups. Please see our Nurture Group page for further information.


See our policies page for the inclusion policy.

Warwickshire Local County Offers

The Engagement Model and the Curriculum

SEND and the Curriculum


If you have any concerns regarding SEND please email rokebyprimary@stowevalley.com