Dinner Menu
Our school lunches are cost £2.46 each.
School lunches are ordered in morning registration. Those that have a school dinner will be charged via ParentPay. Children who are entitled to Free School Meals or Universal School Meals will not be charged.
The school kitchen is run by Caterlink. You can find information on them by heading to their website. Caterlink Website
We are proud of our food heritage which demonstrates our commitment to traceability of the meals we serve. Our meat main meals are freshly prepared on site and made with Red Tractor/Farm Assured fresh meat whilst our suppliers are audited by an external body to ensure they comply with our high standards and statutory obligations.
We are committed to using sourcing ingredients with assured provenance from local and regional suppliers. We use produce with high standards of animal welfare – for example, Free Range Eggs, fish that complies with Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) standards and a range of fair trade produce.
Apply for fRee school meals
Information from County Catering regarding school lunches served at Rokeby.