Family Support at Rokeby

Welcome to Rokeby Primary School's Student and Family Support Team.  Our main focus, in our family support role, is to work with and support our pupils and their families to achieve a positive outcome for all.

Mrs Smith is the Family Support Worker at Rokeby Primary School.  She is fully trained in the Early Help process, formally known as CAF (Common Assessment Framework). She is available via email, phone and in school. If you need any support for yourself, children or family then please don't hesitate to contact her on

Early Help provides help for children, parents and families who need support in any area of everyday life, such as family separations, bereavement, attendance, housing and even homework. 

Family graphic 2 - BTWC


Useful Agencies

Coping with self-harm. A guide for parent and carers

First page of the PDF file: Copingwithselfharmguide

Self Harm Support for Parent and Carers

Exploitation Online Guide for Parents.

First page of the PDF file: ExploitationOnline

Courses and Webinars for Parents and Carers

School Health and Wellbeing Service - Warwickshire.

For parents and carers.

Text the number below.

07520 619 376